Encountering God Through Ancient Traditions - Part 2
Season 8 | Episode 15
Julie Mullins
May 13, 2024
Can you find Jesus in the Old Testament, Passover, or the Seder? In this episode, you'll hear how ancient practices can be pathways to God.
So Good Moments:
- Peter’s profound encounter with Jesus during the Seder meal.
- Why it’s so meaningful that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet during Passover.
- How the 4 cups symbolize Jesus in the Seder Passover.
- Why Matzah bread represents Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
- How elements of Seder shed light on communion.
- How Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah during the Last Supper…and more!
Discussion Questions:
- What did you learn from today’s episode?
- When Jesus washed the disciples' feet, it was an act of humility and servanthood. How does that inspire you to live your life today?
- The Seder features 4 promises, which are about being delivered from slavery and redeeming God’s people. How does that remind you of His promises in your life?
- Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah during the Seder, which initiated the first communion. How does this add to your understanding of communion?
- Sheri uses the empty chair at Seder as an opportunity to pray for those who don't yet know God. Do you have a person in your life who still needs to find Jesus? How can you remind yourself to pray for them on a regular basis?
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