Saying Yes to God: Diving Deeper in the Book of Jonah
Season 3 | Episode 1
Julie Mullins
June 6, 2022
How do you hear God’s voice and follow His call? Pastor Julie kicks off season three by going deeper into the book of Jonah—and her incredible message from Sisterhood Night. In this episode, you’ll hear how the depth of your challenge is no match for the depth of God’s goodness.
So Good Moments:
- How God gets our attention through correction, conviction, or escalating situations.
- The three primary ways God still speaks today (and how we can position ourselves to hear Him).
- Pastor Julie’s insider info on how she studies the Bible.
- A question you can ask yourself to determine if you’re heading in the wrong direction.
- How to say yes to God even when the call seems hard.
- Two things you should do immediately after hearing God speak.
- Why your feelings and failures don’t have the final say for your future.
- Three fun summer hacks!
Discussion Guides:
4-Day Devotional on the Book of Jonah
Winning the War in Your Mind book
Logos Bible Study Software
My Identity Declaration
Learn more about Sisterhood
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