Leading Beyond Your Capacity
Season 4 | Episode 6
Todd and Julie
Todd and Julie Mullins
December 5, 2022
Do you ever feel like you are in over your head? Here’s the good news: your leadership capacity doesn’t have to be limited to your own abilities. In this episode, Pastors Todd and Julie share how to take your leadership to the next level by encountering the Holy Spirit and His power.
So Good Moments:
- What Pastors Todd and Julie wish they knew when they first started in leadership.
- Why it’s essential to lead with love and how love is connected to Spiritual gifts.
- A common misconception about seeking the giver but not the gifts.
- A special moment when Pastor Julie encountered the Holy Spirit and how it changed her leadership.
- What the Bible says about tongues, prophecy, and what we should earnestly desire.
- The purpose of prophecy and the best way to share something God laid on your heart.
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