From a very young age, we all start wrestling with the same question: “What am I going to do with my life?” I know I thought about this a lot. Think back to your first job that someone paid you for. Mine was at age 15, working in the kitchen of a restaurant making fried chicken. Every time I worked there, I remember my clothes being covered in flour and smelling like a fried chicken leg. It was glorious (not really). There was a voice in my head saying, “I’m not sure I want to do this for the rest of my life.” If I’m transparent, that question—“What am I going to do with my life?”—has always been very important to me.
But now, after years in various leadership roles, both in the business world and in ministry, I know very clearly that there’s a more important question: “How will I do what I do?” When we think about what matters most in life, how to make the most of our influence with others, how we live, and how we live out our faith matters.
The apostle Paul challenged, “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as unto God…” Colossians 3:23. These words spur me on daily, even if I’m doing something seemingly insignificant. How we do even the little things can have a big influence on those around us.
There are 5 different circles of influence in which we all have the ability to make a positive impact with our life and faith. But it takes intentionality. If we’re not intentional, we’re living accidentally.
1. Self
Starting with the innermost circle, the “self” circle. Everything begins here. Not in a self-centered way, but as a starting point. God’s Word tells us: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”(Proverbs 4:23) We need to be intentional with ourselves first, constantly growing and staying healthy at the core of who we are. This means becoming the best version of who God made us to be. God’s put a great gifting in you. How will you use it to give glory back to Him? What does your personal time with God every day look like? What steps are you taking to improve and grow yourself?
2. Family
Family is the next circle of influence for us. The people closest to us, who know us best, that’s the group we should be having the most positive influence with. Loving them and leading them needs to be at the top of our priorities every day. How much are you actually present with members of your family? Are you always distracted and allowing interruptions with your phone when spending time with them? Being fully present in the here and now has been a personal area of growth for me over the years. Are you a “human doing” or a “human being”? I’m still continually growing in this area!
3. Team
Next, the team at work or our close friends in life would be another circle of influence. Our faith, our work, and our energy should all be seen clearly by others. Our words of encouragement, our healthy behaviors and our contribution to others all build great influence and inspire others to become better themselves. Some of us are good at spending formal time with coworkers, but are we also good at spending informal time with them? This is where people can tell if you’re genuine and really care about them. How you speak and act with others when you’re not in “work gear” really matters and impacts your influence with them. And don’t shy away from sharing your faith and relationship with God. If you keep that as part of your conversations with others, you’ll be a dependable resource when they’re looking for spiritual encouragement and help.
4. Organization
The fourth circle of influence is the organization we belong to. Regardless of your season of life, you’re probably part of a larger group somehow. This is a circle you can build a positive impact with, even when you don’t realize it. You may not realize it, but people are always watching you closely, even when you don’t think they are.
5. Community
The fifth circle is one that we might not think about having influence in, that is our community. Your voice can encourage, and your example can inspire others to be better, whether it’s your neighbors, the grocery store clerk, or someone at little league baseball. Because we may not naturally think about this circle every day, it’s easy not to do anything in this circle. Your influence has the potential to make your community better.
In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, Jesus gave some powerful proclamations over the crowd, “You are the salt of the earth” and “You are the light of the world.” Then He challenged them, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” In other words, make your life so attractive, that others will be drawn to God because of you. Let’s take that as a personal challenge and apply this to our everyday lives! Legendary college basketball coach, John Wooden, used to tell his team before games, “Make today your masterpiece!” God has given you influence with others around you. Make the most of your influence in a positive way today.