Your Part in the Great Commission
What Matters Most | Week 3
Christ Fellowship Team
January 26, 2025
In this message, Pastors Todd and Julie shared how you can live with an eternal mission as you partner with God and prioritize the relationships that matter most. Use this guide to keep talking about how to live a meaningful life.
- Jesus commanded us to love all people because God cares for all people.
- One of the best things we can do is let our kids and those around us see us running after God.
- God’s Church is not a building we walk into; it’s a people we belong to.
- We are called to lead a radical transformation for Jesus in this region and beyond… everyone—every day—everywhere.
- Who invited you to church for the first time or led you to Jesus?
- What comes to mind when you think of church?
- Pastor Julie said, “Your destiny is not a mystery—your future is forecasted by today’s commitments.” With that in mind, what are you committed to now, and how do you see that shaping your future?
- The church is where we learn how to live out our relationship with Jesus. How has the church helped you grow?
- Pastor Todd taught us that one way we live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) is to commit to community. What’s one way you can deepen your commitment to the local church? (e.g., taking the Journey class, signing up to serve, etc.)
- We also must commit to the mission because there are still 1.5 million people in our region who don’t know Jesus. Who is one person God has put on your heart that you need to reach? What do you feel led to do (e.g., pray for them daily, invite them to church, talk to them about the love of Jesus, etc.)?
- How would your week (or life) change if you cared about what God cares about?
- The next generation matters, so we’re committed to reaching them first. One simple way you can help reach the next generation is to pray for kids by name! If you would like to pray for a specific student in our church daily, text “Pray First” to 441-441.
- Pastor Julie encouraged us to pursue unity because it’s our superpower. If you need help in that area or want to know more about what that looks like, check out these resources this week!
Father, thank you for showing us what love in action looks like. Break our hearts for the things that break yours. Burden our hearts for the people in our lives who don’t know you. May we never forget that we were meant to be your hands and feet. Amen.