Time: Making the Most of It | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Time: Making the Most of It

Keep Talking | One Life Week 5

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Ryan McDermott

August 30, 2024

In our latest series, Making the Most of It, Pastor Ryan McDermott challenged us to become better stewards of one of our most valuable resources: Time. Use this guide to process the message with your small group.


  • When we make the most of our time, we make the most of our lives. 
  • Consistency beats intensity every time. 
  • Managing your priorities isn’t about getting things done; it’s about getting things right.
  • Live by design, not by default. 
  • As we aim to make the most of our time, we must also trust that we serve a God who can redeem the time we’ve wasted as we surrender the time we have left. 



  • Time is a resource we spend daily. What’s your favorite way to spend your time? 


  • What was your biggest takeaway from this week’s message? 
  • We must learn to TREASURE our time. How have you been wasting your time lately? (e.g., worrying, scrolling on social media, toxic relationships, staying up too late, procrastination, binging Netflix, etc.)
  • Psalms 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.” In what area do you need to begin numbering your days so you can live with more wisdom? (e.g., in your parenting, in your work, in your health, in your friendships, etc.)
  • We’re called to INVEST our time. What’s the number one thing you’re investing your time in right now? Is it going to pay dividends you’re proud of in the future? 
  • We must learn to MANAGE our priorities. Pastor Ryan said a phrase that has helped him frame his life is “Christian, husband, father, pastor—in that order, always.” How have you been prioritizing your job titles in this season? Is that the right order?
  • Where have you been living by default rather than design? What would it look like for you to regain control of that area of life and be proactive rather than reactive?
  • We must ENTRUST our time to the Lord. Where do you need help trusting God with your time? (e.g., dating, career, healing, etc.)  


  • Pastor Ryan challenged us to think about how we begin and end our day. Pick one small habit you want to implement first thing in the morning or before bed. Maybe it’s reading your Bible in the morning or a book before bed. Maybe it’s praying over your kids before school or going for a walk in the evening with your spouse. Remember, consistency beats intensity every time, so start small and stick with it! 
  • Managing our time isn’t just about our work—it’s about the rest we experience. If we want to work in God’s rhythm, rest (Sabbath) is required. Be intentional about taking a rest day this week. Take a break from work, devices, and rushing around town. Slow down to enjoy friends, family, nature, and the presence of the Lord. 


Father, thank You for giving us the gift of time. Help us to steward it well. Show us where we need to reclaim what the enemy has been stealing from us this week. Give us wisdom as we set out to number our days. Amen. 


Good Time — VOUS Worship 

Sound Mind — Bryan and Katie Torwalt

Build My Life — Pat Barrett

Wait On You — Elevation Worship

Trust — Elevation Rhythm