The Head of the Table
Cancel Culture vs. Kingdom Culture | TikTok Theology Part 3
Earl McClellan
June 20, 2022
The weekend doesn't have to end. Keep Talking on your own or with a group.
Start Talking – Find conversation starters for the group or with a friend.
- What has been your greatest takeaway to date from the TikTok Theology series? What impact has that had on your life?
- What is something fun you have planned for the summer?
Keep Reading – Read the scripture and ask a question to get the group thinking.
Read these Scriptures out loud:
2 Samuel 9:1-13
This passage contains the story of King David seeking someone from the former king, Saul’s, family in order to show kindness to them.
- What stands out to you from this passage?
- Pastor Earl mentioned that in this story King David is shown as a “type” or “shadow” of Jesus [see Col. 2:16-17, Heb. 10:1]. With this in mind, what does this passage reveal about the type of relationship Jesus desires to have with us? What is our proper response to that?
Luke 19:1-10
This narrative is the story about Zacchaeus.
- While this story may be familiar to many of us, read it as though you have never heard it before. What stands out to you from this passage?
- Pay attention to the different responses to Zacchaeus from the crowd (v.7) and from Jesus (v.9-10). The crowd wanted to “cancel” Zacchaeus because of what he had done; Jesus wanted to save Zacchaeus because of who he was – a man made in the image of God.
- How do you typically respond to those in your life (friends, family, coworkers) or even those in public life; which culture are you most influenced by – cancel culture or Kingdom culture?
Keep Talking – Choose questions to create openness.
1. Called to a Higher Culture
- Pastor Earl pointed to a section of Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:21-22, 27-28, 43-44) to illustrate the higher standard, or Kingdom culture, to which Jesus calls us. Take a moment to re-read those passages.
- While this higher standard is impossible by human standards, Jesus is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him [see John 15:4-8], through which this type of life is possible.
- While the world may cancel, Jesus calls. Where do you sense that Jesus is calling you to a higher standard in your life?
2. From “This seat is taken” to “Take my seat”
- In the story of King David and Mephibosheth, Pastor Earl made the observation that for Mephibosheth to have a place at the king’s table, that meant that David’s other sons had to make room for him.
- Has anyone ever made room for you, or even given up their “seat” so that you could find your place? What was that like?
- What would it look like for you to make room or give up your seat for others both in your daily life and in your church family?
Keep Moving/Going – Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Pastor Earl issued a challenge to all of us, asking, “Instead of canceling, are we willing to have conversations?” This doesn’t mean that we uncritically accept everyone’s behavior or perspectives, but it does mean that we are willing to take the time to listen to and seek to understand people.
- Who is a person that you perhaps don’t get along with or don’t understand that you could engage in a conversation with this week?
- Pick one of this week’s key Scriptures and make it a reminder in your phone. Spend a few minutes repeating it and thinking about it each day.
- S.O.A.P out the Scripture this week.
Keep Praying
- Prayer requests from everyone at group
- Prayer
Keep Praising
“Battle Belongs” – Phil Wickham
“See A Victory” – Elevation Worship
“Light The Fire” – Christ Fellowship MVMNT Music
Or check out our "Faith Over Fear" playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.