The Cost of Following Jesus
Standing Up for the Gospel | Turn Your World Upside Down Part 3
Todd Mullins
May 1, 2023
The weekend doesn't have to end. Keep Talking on your own or with a group.
Start Talking - Find conversation starters for the group or with a friend.
- Take a moment and google “Christian persecution.” Share a story that impacts you, a statistic that surprises you, or something new that you learned.
Keep Reading – Read the Scripture and ask a question to get the group thinking.
Read these Scriptures out loud:
Matthew 5:10-12
- Share a time when you risked speaking out for the cause of Christ. What did you learn from that experience?
- Also take a look at 1 Peter 4:12-13. Both passages encourage us to rejoice when persecution comes our way. What are the reasons we should do this? How can we adjust our perspective to adopt this attitude?
Acts 7:60
- Stephen’s last words on earth were to plead for his persecutors. What prompted him to do this [look for how Stephen is described in Acts]? In light of Stephen’s words, also read Matthew 5:43-44.
- How does Stephen’s last act inspire or convict you?
Keep Talking – Choose questions to create openness.
1. Prepare for Persecution
- Pastor Todd said that while we may not have to die for our faith in our current context, we will be challenged to live for it. He reminds us that Scripture promises persecution. Read John 15:18 -20.
- In order to prepare for persecution, we must:
- Know our enemy (Eph. 6:12)
- Know God’s Word – You need to make your faith, your faith. You can’t stand strong on someone else’s faith in the midst of persecution.
- Know God’s people – Who’s in your corner? Whom do you have to stand beside you when you go through persecution?
- Share which one of these is the biggest challenge for you personally, and why it matters that you grow in this area.
2. Pray through Persecution
- This can be challenging because it probably doesn’t come naturally for many of us. When we pray for those who are persecuting us, it might not change the situation, but it will change us – how we see the situation and how we see the person persecuting us.
- Have you ever prayed for your “enemy”? What happened and what did you gain from it?
3. Grow through Persecution
- Read James 1:2-4. When people hurl unkind words at you, don’t let it shake your faith; let it make your faith stronger. Pastor Todd shared that persecution is either going to make you run to God or question God. Sometimes we cannot learn a lesson and grow unless we go through a storm. Does this teaching resonate with you? When have you experienced this in your own life?
- When you face trials because of your faith, how can you remember to see opposition and persecution the way God sees it, as an opportunity to love others like Jesus and grow stronger in your relationship with Him?
Keep Moving/Going – Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Be intentional this week to actively pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted around the world. Allow God to give you a burden for those who are truly suffering for the name of Jesus.
- Read and reflect on the Scriptures from this week’s message: Acts 6 - 7, Matthew 10:22, John 15:18-20, Philippians 3:12, 1 Peter 4:12-14, Matthew 5:10-12, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Matthew 5:43-44, Ephesians 6:12, Psalm 121:1, James 1:2-4, Acts 4:29-31, Romans 1:16
- Jump into our Acts daily devotional:
Keep Praising
“Firm Foundation (He Won’t)” – Maverick City
“Fresh Wind” – Hillsong Worship
“Come Spirit Come” - Christ Fellowship Worship
Or check out our "Faith Over Fear" playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.