Put God in His Place
What Matters Most | Week 1
Christ Fellowship Team
January 12, 2025
In a world where everyone and everything is vying for our attention, it can be hard to prioritize what really matters. In this message, Pastor Todd kicked off a new series where we’ll learn how to give our best to what matters most in life. Use this guide to keep talking about Sunday’s sermon.
- Distraction moves our attraction—and our enemy knows that if he distracts us, he can destroy us.
- Long-term consistency beats short spurts of intensity.
- “Good and evil both increase at compound interest.” C.S. Lewis
- Biblical love does not start with emotion; it starts with a decision. Love is a choice, which is why it can be commanded.
- We can’t coast on what matters most.
- God first is for our best!
- Pastor Todd said most Americans spend an average of four hours a day on their phones. What’s the app that you use most on your phone?
- Based on your current priorities, what would you say matters most in your life right now?
- Jesus told us in Matthew 22:36-40 that the most important thing we can do with our life is to love God and love people. What distracts you from giving your best (and your most) to these two things?
- Three practical steps to living a God-first life are: Put God first in your every day, put God first in your week, and put God first in your finances. How has the quality of your life increased because you got one of these areas right? Where do you still struggle to put God first?
- Read Matthew 7:24-27. Who do you relate to more: the one who built their house on the rock or the one who built their house on the sand? Why?
- Pastor Todd gave an illustration using dominoes to show how small moments create momentum. What would be a “little domino” that would help you start building the right things in the right place (i.e., a small step you could take consistently that would pay big dividends over time)?
- For the next three weeks, we’re tuning out distractions so we can turn to God for direction. There are two ways you can get involved! First, join us for 21 days of prayer. Tapping into our 21-day devotional is a small domino that could create major momentum in your life. Next, join us for Revival Nights this week on January 14-16. Pastor Todd said, “The power of prayer is that it connects us to the power of God,” so don’t miss this special and sacred opportunity to focus on what matters most!
Father, thank you for giving us your best. We want to love you and love people so we can live this year without regret. Show us what matters to you this week. Help us to be sensitive to your Spirit at work within us. You can have our mornings, our days, and our year. Amen.