Make the Most of the New Year with Dr. John Maxwell
The weekend doesn't have to end. Keep Talking on your own or with a group.
John Maxwell
January 3, 2022
Start Talking – Find conversation starters for the group or with a friend.
- What is your favorite memory from this past Christmas?
- What is something that you are expectant for in 2022?
Keep Reading – Read the scripture and ask a question to get the group thinking.
Read these Scriptures out loud:
Matthew 5:13-16
This passage is part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
- This passage deals with Jesus describing those who believe in Him as salt and light.
- According to this passage, what is the significance of the imagery of salt and light in terms of Jesus’ desire for how we live our lives? What do you think this looks like practically?
Keep Talking – Choose questions to create openness.
1. Waterfall (You)
- The beauty, power, and refreshing and energizing aspects of waterfalls make them places that are naturally attractive to us.
- Dr. Maxwell used Galatians 5:22-23, commonly known as the “Fruit of the Spirit” passage, as an example for what this should look like in our lives. Take a moment to read this passage, along with Jesus’ words in John 7:38-39. What do you see here concerning what God wants to do in and through you to make you attractive to those around you?
2. Joined Hands (Compounds)
- As individuals we are diverse and different in our backgrounds and abilities. As Mother Teresa famously said, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
- Paul also talks about the importance of this in 1 Corinthians 12:12-22. What has God placed within you that, when joined with others, compounds your ability to be salt and light to those who don’t yet know Jesus?
3. Ladder (Servanthood)
- Just as ladders allow us to reach places we couldn’t reach on our own, we are called to serve others to help them reach their God-given potential.
- Who is in your life that could benefit from your ability to serve them? How could this be salt and light in that person’s life to draw them toward Jesus?
4. Heart (Values)
- Life change – salt & light transformation – can’t come about through external means. True change is an internal matter – it is a heart issue.
- Take a moment to read Proverbs 4:23. What does this have to say about us being salt and light for others? How do we best make Jesus attractive to others?
5. Table (Community)
- Dr. Maxwell told us that the setting for being salt and light is in community with others. This is why we often say at Christ Fellowship that “circles are better than rows.”
- Who are you in community with who doesn’t yet know Jesus? How can you be intentional about being salt and light in the relationships you already have?
6. Bridge (Possibilities)
- A part of being salt and light to those around us is to act as bridges; we need to help open up opportunities and possibilities for others that they otherwise would not have.
- What opportunities do you see in your life to be a bridge for someone else?
Keep Moving/Going – Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Be intentional about praying for that family member, friend, coworker, or classmate who doesn’t yet have a relationship with Jesus. Using the tools Dr. Maxwell provided for us, start taking steps to be salt and light for that person.
- Pick one of this week’s key Scriptures and make it a reminder in your phone. Spend a few minutes repeating it and thinking about it each day.
- S.O.A.P out the Scripture this week.
Keep Praying
- Prayer requests from everyone at group
- Prayer
Keep Praising
“Graves Into Gardens” – Elevation Worship
“God of Revival” – Bethel Music
Or check out our "Faith Over Fear" playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.