Lighten Your Load
How to Master Your Money | Week 1
Christ Fellowship Team
September 22, 2024
Pastor Todd kicked off a brand new series this week titled How To Master Your Money. In this message, we began to discover how putting God first in our finances can remove the financial weight so many of us carry. Use this guide to keep talking about Sunday’s sermon with your small group.
- Our possessions have the power to possess us.
- We need a plan for our money so we can be:
- Free
- Generous
- Used by God
- One of the most radically spiritual things we can do is realign our spending habits to put ourselves in a position to be used by God.
- Finish this sentence: If money weren’t an issue, I would... (e.g., eat out every day, travel the world, hire a housecleaner, etc.)
- Most of us can trace our mindset about money back to our childhood. How did the way you were raised shape how you view money today?
- Jesus viewed money (or mammon) as the number one competitor for our hearts. Why do you think money has so much power over us?
- When you get paid, do you operate like an owner or a manager of what’s been placed in your bank account? If you viewed God as the rightful owner of your money, how would you manage it differently?
- Talk about a time when you’ve experienced peace, provision, joy, or security as a result of putting God first in your finances.
- The world’s mindset says we should live, save, and then give. God’s heart is that we would give, save, and then live. Where might you need to adjust your finances so you can align your lifestyle with God’s plan for you and your money?
- Pastor Todd encouraged us to get a plan for our money so we can be free, generous, and used by God. Which of these three things would you love to experience most right now?
- Taking control of your finances can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone! Sign up today for our brand new 5-week class, My God, My Money.
- We’ve got resources to help you track your spending, create a budget, and eliminate debt so you can give, save, and live like never before!
God, thank You for trusting us to manage what You’ve placed in our hands. Holy Spirit, show us where You’re not first in our lives. Help us align our hearts with You and reclaim our finances so we can be used to impact our world for Your glory. Amen.