How to Build Unshakeable Hope | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

How to Build Unshakeable Hope

Get Your Hopes Up | Week 3

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Christ Fellowship Team

December 8, 2024

In this message, our founding pastor, Coach Tom, shared three ways we can gain the winning edge this Christmas season. Getting our hopes up requires getting in God’s presence, but we need a game plan to make that happen. Use this guide to keep talking about Sunday’s sermon. 


  • Hope: A confident expectation of what God has promised, based on the certainty that God is faithful
  • Hope (Tiquah): to bind or weave like strands of rope together 
  • When you are filled with the hope that comes from heaven, it fuels your soul and strengthens your faith.
  • We can trust in the:
    • Character of God
    • Promises of God
    • Purpose of God
  • Our hope in Christ gives us the winning edge in life.



  • Coach Tom said football games are his favorite part of this season. What's your favorite part of the Christmas season? 


  • Romans 15:13 says that as God fills us, we overflow with hope. Who in your life overflows with hope, and how can you tell they overflow with hope? 
  • Living with hope helps us to see the light at the end of any tunnel we have to pass through in life. Think about the last time you walked through something hard. How did hope help you see the light at the end? 
  • In Luke 1:11-17, an angel of the Lord told Zechariah his prayer had been heard. After decades of waiting for a child, Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son. What’s something you've had to wait on God for (or maybe something you’re still waiting for)? 
    • How did this message encourage you to get your hopes up while you wait? 
  • Zechariah was faithfully serving God despite his unanswered prayers and disappointment. When has your disappointment made it hard to remain faithful? How did you work through it? 
  • Zechariah positioned himself to be in the presence of God, and we can do that too! We can come before His presence in worship, prayer, and through His Word. Of those three, which one is easiest for you, and which one is the most difficult? 


One of the most effective ways we can position ourselves in the presence of God is through His Word. Choose one of the following Scriptures to meditate on and memorize this week:

  • Deuteronomy 32:4
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Psalms 62:5-7
  • Romans 8:28

One of the most beautiful ways to overflow with hope is through our generosity! If you haven’t already, take time this week to pray and ask God what He would have you give to our Christ Birthday Offering.


Father, thank you for filling us so we can overflow with hope. Thank you that not one of your precious promises will ever fail. You are a God we can count on. Help us fix our eyes on you this week and position ourselves in your presence so we can have the winning edge this season. Amen.