How Do You Find Strength When Doubt Takes Over? | Keep Talking | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

How Do You Find Strength When Doubt Takes Over? | Keep Talking

Don't Let Doubt Take You Out | Week 3

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Christ Fellowship Team

March 2, 2025

In this message, Pastor Julie shared the story of Gideon and how we can bridge the gap between where we are now and where God wants us to be. Use this guide to keep talking about Sunday’s sermon.. 


  • Most of us want God to give us the full plan before we commit to following Him, but that’s not how God works. 
  • We can’t get confirmation without having a conversation. 
  • Spiritual battles require spiritual weapons. 
  • Don’t allow what you don’t know about God to keep you from everything you do know about God.
  • Sometimes, victory doesn’t look like what we pictured—and sometimes, the road you would never choose can lead you to the faith you’ve always wanted.



  • In this series, we’re learning how to take steps of faith, even when we feel fear. Pastor Julie referenced her experiences mountain biking and white water rafting with Pastor Todd. Which of the following would be the scariest adventure for you: skydiving, bungee jumping, or rock climbing? 


  • In Judges 6, we see Gideon living in the middle of a problem he didn’t cause. When have you had to deal with a problem you didn’t cause? How did you feel? 
  • If Gideon wanted the victory, he had to go in the strength he had. Where do you need a victory in your life, and what does it practically look like to go in the strength you have? 
  • When we follow God, our strength is activated one step at a time. Looking back on your life, when did you find this to be true? 
  • Obedience strengthens us. Where do you need to obey right now so you can walk in greater strength? 
  • Pastor Julie challenged us to listen to what we know, not what we fear. Where is the voice of fear drowning out the voice of faith in your life? How can you tune into truth this week so you can keep taking steps of faith?


  • We need to walk in strength today so our kids can walk in truth tomorrow! As Christians and parents, we have a God-given mission to reach our young people with the message and love of Jesus. That’s why we’re hosting a one-day parent conference on Saturday, March 8, at our Palm Beach Gardens location. Child care is provided, and tickets are only $10. If you’re raising kids and you haven’t signed up, what are you waiting for?


Father, thank you for being kind enough to make good plans for us and gracious enough to only reveal those plans one step at a time. Please help us to take steps of faith and obedience this week so we can grow in strength. We love you. Amen.