God Can Do a Lot With a Little | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

God Can Do a Lot With a Little

It’s in the House | Heart for the House Part 5

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Jimmy Rollins

May 30, 2022

The weekend doesn't have to end. Keep Talking on your own or with a group.

Start Talking – Find conversation starters for the group or with a friend.

  • Share a takeaway that really resonated with you from last weekend’s message.
  • What are your favorite summer activities and foods?

Keep Reading – Read the Scripture and ask a question to get the group thinking.

Read these Scriptures out loud:

2 Kings 4:1-7

  • Pastor Jimmy described this story as “Taking a deficit and turning it into destiny.” When hard times come, what is your natural inclination? Do you immediately face it head-on, or hide and process a bit first? Do you pray & fast, or lament to friends and family?
  • Elisha asked, “What do you have in your house?” God was able to work a miracle with the widow’s little jar of oil. What natural or spiritual gifting, skill, characteristic, or trait do you have that God could use to build and develop to help others?

Luke 4:18-19

  • What is the good news? Why is it important to share?
  • Share about a time when you experienced a release from something that held you captive or when someone helped you to see things differently?

Keep Talking – Choose questions to create openness.

1. This House has a Heart to Serve

  • Pastor Jimmy shared that your greatest misery can become your ministry when you serve. What does that mean? Share a time when a previous trial or hardship has given you a unique voice to connect and care for someone going through a similar situation.
  • In light of Luke 4:18-19, who are you called to help release from a hurt or habit? How are you called to help them see things differently?

2. This House is Anointed

  • Anointing is the power and presence of God. People are finding freedom, joy and healing through the power of God at work in Christ Fellowship every week. They are getting to know God, growing in their relationships, discovering their purpose and finding ways to impact their world.
  • Have you seen, heard or experienced life change at Christ Fellowship? Share a memorable highlight in your time here that has impacted you and/or your family.

3. This House Needs Your Vessel

  • Read Psalm 139:14. Pastor Jimmy shares that we are unique and essential to the body of Christ which is the Church. You and your story add to the anointing of what God wants to do here at Christ Fellowship.
  • Share a time when you have served others and through serving have been changed by the experience. What did you learn and how did it change you?

4. This House is a House of Miracles

  • In 2 Kings 4:5-6, we read about the miracle that the widow experienced. Her little jar of oil might have seemed small and insignificant, but when partnered with God, it was able to fill every vessel in the house. Pastor Jimmy shared that the power of the Church is in God's hands, but the potential of the Church is in the hands of God’s people.
  • Share if and where you are currently serving. Spend a few minutes considering where you might serve together as a group or encourage individuals in the group where their best fit to serve might be.

Keep Moving/Going – Commit to a step and live it out this week.

  • Text VESSEL to 441441 or click here to take your next step and start serving.
  • Make a plan to serve as a group at an upcoming 4th Saturday Serve opportunity or think of a community you would like to serve and make a plan to serve together at a time that makes sense for your group.
  • Read this week’s devotional by Pastor Tom about serving here.

Keep Praising

“Great Things” – Phil Wickham

“You Hold It All Together – Maverick City

“House of Miracles” – Brandon Lake

Or check out our "Faith Over Fear" playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.

Keep Up with What's Happening at Christ Fellowship.