Young Adults FAQs | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Young Adults FAQs

Where does Christ Fellowship Young Adults meet?

We gather every Thursday night at our Downtown West Palm Beach (Harriet Himmel Theater), Port St. Lucie, Boynton Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens campus locations, and online on YouTube.

What are Thursday nights like?

They’re kind of like church but think more of a big hangout with tons of other young adults. Our gatherings are typically 1.5 hours long and include music, a message, and time to connect and meet people before and after.

What if I’m coming alone?

Awesome! We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable. We do that by hosting you for the night, introducing you to some people, and getting you connected. You can get connected beforehand by telling us a little bit about yourself.

What should I wear?

We want to be a place where young adults can come as they are. Coming from work? Business professional is welcomed. Feel like staying in your sweats? We won’t judge.

Does it cost anything?

Nope! Our gatherings are FREE.

What’s the parking situation?

Our Downtown West Palm Beach (Harriet Himmel Theater) campus is located in The Square. Parking is available in the shopping center parking garages or on the street. *Please note that the parking fees vary.

At our Port St. Lucie, Boynton Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens campus locations, follow the Christ Fellowship Young Adults signage when you pull onto the property to find the best place to park.

Is Christ Fellowship Young Adults part of a church?

Yes! We are the young adult community of Christ Fellowship Church. Thursday nights are a front door to get you connected to everything Christ Fellowship has to offer. You can check out all of our campus locations here.

Do I have to go to Christ Fellowship Church to attend Young Adults gatherings?

No, but we value the importance of getting plugged into a local church and encourage everyone who comes on Thursday nights to be a part of Christ Fellowship Church if they do not have a church to call home.