What’s Your Prayer Process? | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

What’s Your Prayer Process?

A video teaching by Pastor Todd Mullins on how to PRAY.

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Todd Mullins

October 25, 2023

If you want momentum in your relationship with God and your life, start by deepening your prayer life. Here’s Pete Greig’s simple formula to follow when you enter your prayer time: 

P = Pause. Reflect. Be still and know He is God. Position yourself to receive from Him.

R = Rejoice. Thank God for who He is and all He has done. 

A = Ask. Present your requests to God in faith.

Y = Yield. Follow God’s leading in prayer and listen for His direction.

Those four steps can become the four wheels that gain traction in your relationship with God and your life. When you find yourself rushed or preoccupied, pause, slow down, look up to God in prayer, and choose the path of traction over the path of distraction.