What Kind of Visionary are You? | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

What Kind of Visionary Are You?

A quiz to help you discover your visionary strengths.

1. When it comes to a vision for my life: 

a. I have a hard time with it because I’m an in-the-moment kind of person.

b. I have a rough idea.

c. It’s pretty clear. 

d. It’s written down but rewritten several times. 

2. When it comes to moving: 

a. It scares me.

b. I’m open to it but wouldn’t prefer it. 

c. I’ve moved several times and enjoy it. 

d. I love the adventure and am always thinking about the next move.

3. When it comes to a plan or process: 

a. I prefer concrete information and A-Z steps. 

b. I prefer steps but don’t mind if I have to fill in a few.

c. Give me the main idea, and I’ll figure it out.

d. I like to do things my way. 

4. When I have a new idea or dream:

a. I don’t revisit the idea often. 

b. I tell someone and write it down. 

c. I write it down, tell someone, and pray about it. 

d. I take action as soon as possible. 

5. When it comes to risk: 

a. I avoid it at all costs. 

b. I move slowly and cautiously and seek advice along the way. 

c. I make a pros and cons list and take action if it adds up. 

d. You only live once! 

6. When it comes to change: 

a. I hate it.  

b. I don’t hate it, but I don’t prefer it. 

c. I embrace change. 

d. I love change and will create it if life feels too mundane. 

7. When it comes to the way I learn: 

a. I like to walk step-by-step through a process. 

b. I like steps, but I don’t mind flexibility. 

c. I want a general process but the freedom to do it my way.

d. Give me the bottom line, and I’ll fill in the gaps later. 

8. When it comes to new opportunities: 

a. I see the risks first and am generally not interested. 

b. I occasionally explore them if they seem suited to my strengths. 

c. I explore them and am excited by them. 

d. I spot opportunities everywhere and create my own. 

9. When it comes to follow-through: 

a. I always finish what I start. 

b. I mostly finish what I start.

c. I don’t often finish what I start. 

d. I rarely finish what I start. 

10. When it comes to focusing on a vision:

a. I like considering the how-to and determining if it’s realistic.

b. I like considering the how-to with the big picture in mind.

c. I mostly like the big picture, with a rough plan of execution. 

d. I like the 40,000 ft. view and don’t want to think about the how-to.


Tally up your responses and note which one you scored highest in (mostly A’s, B’s, C’s, or D’s). 

Mostly A’s: The Assessor

If you are an Assessor, you are detail-oriented and down-to-earth. You document things, take one step at a time, and have a low tolerance for ambiguity and risk. You thrive on spreadsheets and solve problems practically and methodically. Assessors prefer their life vision to be realistic, to involve a proven path or process, and to have clear and measurable milestones along the way.


  • Stay flexible along the way, and don’t get stressed if all doesn’t go according to plan. 
  • Set a plan, but don’t limit God. Remember how big He is and invite Him to speak into the vision for your life. 
  • Try not to jump to the “how-to” of someone else’s vision too soon. Give them space to dream without a plan as their idea develops. 

Verse to memorize: 

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20

Mostly B’s: The Balancer 

If you are a Balancer, you handle details with the broader vision in mind. You enjoy checklists and action items, are organized, and good with people. People have told you that you would make a great teacher. You can effectively balance what needs to be done with the people involved. 


  • Trust yourself and your ideas. You are more creative than you give yourself credit for. 
  • Find ways to grow other people around you and share your knowledge. 
  • Don’t be afraid to fail forward and learn along the way. 

Verse to memorize: 

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Mostly C’s: The Conceiver 

If you are a Conceiver, you are naturally creative and enjoy diversity in your routine. You have an entrepreneurial and innovative mind and love writing down new ideas. Your vision for your life is pretty clear, but sometimes you don’t know how to make it happen. 


  • Find ways to follow through on your ideas and goals. Try a new planner, accountability partner, or app to track your progress. 
  • Seek feedback on your vision from Assessors and Balancers. Ask them to help you come up with a “how-to” plan. 
  • Remember to be faithful and diligent in the small things. 

Verse to memorize: 

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” Luke 16:10

Mostly D’s: The Dreamer

If you are a Dreamer, you are persuasive and articulate. You love exploring new ideas, taking risks, and making changes. You have a big vision for your life, but it shifts often. You don’t mind ambiguity and prefer to focus on the big picture and not the details. 


  • Slow down and decide what’s most important to focus in on your current season. 
  • Seek feedback from Assessors and Balancers on how to create an A-Z plan for your vision. 
  • Don’t run with an idea right away. Take time to pray about it, talk with mentors, and research first. 

Verse to memorize: 

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10

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