What is Intercessory Prayer? | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

What Is Intercessory Prayer?

Praying for others doesn’t have to be complicated.

Have you ever felt helpless when someone had a great need or crisis in their life? Sometimes, we think prayer is the least we can do, but actually, it’s the most we can do! 

What is Intercessory Prayer? 

You may have heard of the phrase “intercessory prayer.” It might sound complicated, but it’s actually simple. Intercessory prayer is simply praying for someone else. See, sometimes we pray for ourselves and our needs. Other times, we pray for others and their needs—maybe a friend, a co-worker, or a family member. When we pray for someone else, we intercede on their behalf. This is simply what intercessory prayer is. 

Another way to look at intercessory prayer is standing in the gap for others. In Ezekiel 22:30, God says, “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land.” The imagery conveys a wall with a hole or gap in it. A wall was a layer of protection in ancient times. A breach or hole in the wall could let the enemy through. So, if a gap was left unattended or unrepaired, the city would fall. So when we intercede for others, we stand in the gap and pray for God’s plans to prevail rather than the enemy’s. 

Interceding Leads to Freedom and Revival 

In Acts chapter 12, the Church earnestly prayed for Peter while he was being persecuted for his faith in prison. And because the Church made intercession in prayer, an angel from God broke his chains off and broke him out. This is what God can do when we stand in the gap for others—the enemy’s plans fail, chains are broken, and freedom takes place. 

We often pray for a revival to take place. The word ‘revival’ comes from the word revive, which simply means to live again, to restore back to life. Revival in our community, in our state, nation, and beyond, all starts with intercessory prayer. 

Revival isn't something that happens out there somewhere. It happens right here. It starts by opening our eyes to the lost, the broken, and to the needs of others—and taking those needs to prayer. It starts with believers who are willing to stand in some Spiritual gaps. 

A Simple Guide to Intercession:  

  1. First, enter your prayer time by asking the Holy Spirit to help guide you as you pray. After all, He knows exactly what is going on in that person’s life or situation. 
  2. Second, thank God for this person or group of people and for all the ways He’s already been working in their life. 
  3. Third, present their needs to God. Don’t be afraid to ask big; we serve a big God!
  4. Lastly, ask God what your part is. Does He want you to serve them in some way or be a part of a tangible solution? Listen to see if the Holy Spirit prompts you to act in any way.

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