Twenty Ways to Please Your Spouse | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Twenty Ways to Please Your Spouse

Fun ideas to keep the flame alive in marriage.

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Don Bray

March 10, 2023

Don and Joy Bray have been happily married for over 56 years, so they know a thing or two about growing in intimacy. They put together a fun list of twenty ways to please your spouse. Maybe one or more of them will help jump-start your delight in each other. Enjoy!

Twenty Ways to Please Your Spouse

  1. Remember to look into your spouse’s eyes while she/he tells you about her/his day.
  2. Text “I love you” messages during the day.
  3. Sit on the same side of a restaurant booth.
  4. Give your spouse a foot massage. (Coach Tom Mullins swears by it!)
  5. Make up a silly/romantic song just for your spouse.
  6. Kiss in the rain.
  7. Turn off your cell phone before bedtime and talk!
  8. Scrub the floors/take out the garbage—without a reminder!
  9. Surprise your spouse with a last-minute getaway!
  10. Dance in the bedroom!
  11. Walk on the beach at night…just the two of you.
  12. Reminisce about your first kiss or your first date.
  13. Let your spouse choose the movie you’ll attend!
  14. Wake up early to fix him/her coffee.
  15. Do something together you’ve never done before!
  16. Hold hands whenever possible.
  17. Tell your spouse something about them that you love…often!
  18. Send kids to bed early and enjoy a candlelit dinner for two! (Carry-in is fine!)
  19. Write a fun sticky note and put it on the mirror where he/she gets ready in the morning.
  20.  Fall more and more in love with Jesus!

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