The Importance of Baptism | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

The Importance of Baptism

Why is baptism essential to our faith?

Are baptism and salvation the same thing? If you were sprinkled by a priest as a child—is it the same thing? Is baptism really that important? 

You might have a lot of questions or confusion around baptism. After all, there are many different expressions of faith, and maybe you grew up in one very different from Christ Fellowship or without any faith background at all. So let’s dive into what baptism is—and what it isn’t. 

1. Baptism Isn’t Essential for Salvation

Baptism doesn’t save you. Jesus and a relationship with Him saves you. When Jesus hung on the cross, He hung between two thieves. One of them mocked Jesus, but the other put his faith in Jesus. Jesus responded, “today, you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43) The man didn’t have time to get baptized before he died, but he was still going to be with Jesus in paradise. 

2. Baptism Isn’t Optional For Believers

Although it’s not essential for salvation, baptism is still foundational to our faith. It’s an important step for believers. Jesus Himself was baptized as an example for us. Mark 1:9 records, "At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan."

Acts chapter 2 records 3,000 people getting saved and the same 3,000 people getting baptized. First, people came into a relationship with Jesus, and then they got baptized. It went hand in hand. Acts 2:41 tells us, "Those who accepted His message were baptized." 

3. Baptism is a Proclamation of the Gospel

In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, the apostle Paul wrote, "Christ died for our sins... He was buried...And He was raised on the third day."  

The Greek word “Baptizo” means to be immersed in water. When we get in the water, we die to ourselves, are buried with Christ, and are raised to walk in the new life God has called us to. It is the good news of Jesus on display for everyone to see. It is an outward symbol of an inward covenant. 

Colossians 2:12 says, "For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him, you were raised to a new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead."

How do you know if you need to be baptized? If you’ve given your heart to Jesus but have never been baptized, that is your next step. Or if you were baptized before you were saved or understood what you were doing—you did the right things but in the wrong order—and baptism is a way for you to proclaim the Gospel’s power in your life today. If you’re ready to take this next step in your faith, you can sign up to get baptized!