Resources for Parents | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Resources for Parents

Recommended reads and guides for meaningful conversations with your kids.

1. Transformed 

Teens often turn to online influencers and peers as their guides to issues like identity and life’s biggest questions. This guide will equip parents to enter into conversations on these complicated topics. 

2. Unbound - Teen Bible Study Book: Experiencing Life and Freedom in Christ
Pastor Ryan McDermott 

In this 6-session study, Pastor Ryan McDermott invites you to shed the old life that has held you back and fully embrace the newness of life that Christ has made possible. Jesus died, not just so that you could have life, but so that you might be unbound and step into a new identity: holy, loved, chosen, and free.

3. A Parent’s Guide to LGBTQ+ & Your Teen

Even if your kids don’t struggle with their sexual orientations or gender identities, they probably know people who do. This guide is what you need to know about what is shaping Gen Z’s perceptions of the issues, as well as how you can engage well with your teen and the LGBTQ+ community.

4. A Parent's Guide to Purity

As kids become preteens, then teenagers, and eventually adults, this resource equips Christian parents to help their children with knowledge, truth, and the ability to navigate conversations about sexuality and purity.

5. A Parent's Guide to Pornography 

This Guide focuses on the general problem of porn in our culture. It should be read first of these 3 guides on porn, followed by the one specifically aimed at women, then the one aimed at men so that you can more effectively guide your family and cultivate deeper conversations.

These resources provided are recommendations for informational purposes and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or endorsements of Christ Fellowship Church.

More On the Table Series Resources