Quiz: Discover Your Strengths | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Quiz: Discover Your Strengths

Take this assessment and bring your best into your workweek.

Do you ever wonder what strengths you bring to a team or to those around you? Take this quiz to discover unique attributes that bring out the best in others. Circle the letter that best describes you in each sentence and tally your score at the bottom. 

1. Which word best describes you?

a. Decisive 

b. Sociable

c. Precise 

d. Consistent 

2. When it comes to a vision for my life…

a. I’m a big dreamer

b. I love talking about ideas with others

c. I’m reserved and realistic

d. I like supporting a vision beyond myself

3. My friends might describe me as: 

a. A natural-born leader

b. Excitable 

c. A rule follower

d. Dependable 

4. When working on a project…

a. I prefer to take charge

b. I want to be inspired by the end goal

c. I want to ensure everything is by the book

d. I prefer to be a supportive team player

5. In social situations, I need to learn how to be less…

a. Blunt

b. Chatty

c. Hesitant 

d. Agreeable 

6. I am motivated by…

a. Achievement 

b. Connection

c. Skill

d. Peace

7. When I finish a project, I’m proud of:

a. Hitting the target

b. The team effort

c. Delivering something seamless

d. Delivering what was promised

8. When it comes to change:

a. I seek it out

b. I explore opportunities presented to me

c. I don’t make a change unless I’m 100% positive it’s the right move

d. I resist change

9. It drains me when…

a. I get stuck doing mindless work

b. I have to work alone for long periods of time

c. I can’t get the hang of something quickly

d. Things feel unstable or unpredictable

10. I’m at my best when…

a. I’m living fully into one of my dreams

b. I’m surrounded by people who get me

c. Everything is going as planned

d. Life feels peaceful, and I have margin

Tally your scores and discover your strengths below. 

Mostly A’s: Vision
You are a big dreamer and aren’t afraid to take risks. People admire you for your enthusiasm and fresh ideas. When you are a part of a team, you make a great leader. You love exploring new possibilities even if you decide not to act on it. 

Mostly B’s: Connection
You are a people person. You inspire others with your desire to connect and relate. People have often said to you, “I can’t believe I’m telling you this…” They trust you easily. When you are a part of a team, you make those around you feel like they can work and have fun at the same time. 

Mostly C’s: Accuracy
You have an eye for detail that brings out the best in a project or vision. People run things by you to ensure they are accurate because you see things others don't. You are naturally organized and have a gift for keeping things on track. When you are on a team, you bring a level of excellence that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. 

Mostly D’s: Peace
Your steady nature makes you reliable and trustworthy. You are a great mediator and can easily see both sides of a situation. When you are on a team, you help others not to get bogged down by unrealistic expectations. You bring peace into relationships and teams and are at your best when you have the opportunity to bring strength and stability to others. 

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