How to Keep a Prayer Journal
Here are 5 simple ways to connect with God through journaling.
Have you ever felt like it was hard to gain momentum in your prayer life? Maybe you prayed diligently for a week, but then your prayer life fizzled out. It happens to all of us, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.
Keep a Prayer Journal
If you find it difficult to stay focused during prayer, writing can be a helpful way to stay on track and stay organized. From writing down your prayers to keeping a list of things you’re praying for, a journal is a great way to keep your prayer time focused.
You may not be a journaler, and that’s okay! Start with a three-minute timer each day and build from there. You can write out your prayers, what you are grateful for, keywords, phrases, or names of people and situations that you’re praying over. Your prayer journal also becomes a great way to be able to look back on all the prayers God answered and give Him praise for all the ways He’s moved in your life.
If you feel lost and don’t even know where to begin, here are some tips and best practices for your prayer journal:
1. Date
As you record your prayer requests and the things you’re grateful for, make sure you include the date on each page. That way, you can see how much Spiritual growth has taken place over the months and years ahead.
2. Gratitude
Write down a few things each day that you are grateful to God for. Thank God for all the ways He’s answered prayers and for how faithful He’s been in your life.
3. Bible Verse
What verse stood out to you in your Bible reading that day? Don’t just write the reference, but take the time to write out the whole verse so that it helps you remember it.
4. Prayer List
Make a list of what you want to pray for so it can help you stay focused as you pray through the list. Another option is to write out your prayers like you are writing a letter to God.
5. Space to Listen
As you end your prayer time, remember prayer is a two-way conversation. Take time to listen to anything the Holy Spirit might want to speak to you. Use a part of your journal to write down anything God might be whispering to your heart.
Today, consider trying out a new method of prayer using a prayer journal. Start with three minutes and go from there. Remember James 4:8, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”
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