How to Face the Unexpected When You're Expecting | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

How to Face the Unexpected When You're Expecting

Practical resources for women navigating an unplanned pregnancy or healing from post-abortion trauma.


Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement 
Amy Ford

What if we lived in a world where every woman with an unplanned pregnancy always felt empowered to choose life for her unborn baby? To create that kind of change, it will take all of us. As the Church, we can play a powerful role in making abortion unthinkable. With Help Her Be Brave, you can discover your part in saving lives.

A Bump in Life: True Stories of Hope & Courage During an Unplanned Pregnancy 
Amy Ford

When going through a personal struggle, there's no better help than to receive hope from someone who has walked the same path. For the single woman or young girl with an unplanned pregnancy, A Bump in Life will help anyone going through—or connected with—this situation move from feelings of loneliness, shame, and worry to the far more lasting joy that is God's redemptive blessing of a child.

Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life and Choice 
Brittany Smith

When a woman receives an unexpected positive pregnancy test, abortion often seems like the best or only option for a fulfilling future. Unplanned Grace beautifully challenges that myth, equipping readers to support abortion-vulnerable women with love that values life in every way.

Why Pro-Life?: Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers 
Randy Alcorn

Infused with compassion and grounded in science, Alcorn's guide takes a hard look at tough questions, including "What makes life meaningful?" and "Is abortion really a women's rights issue?" His clear presentation of the facts provides welcome insights for pro-choicers and pro-lifers alike.


Embrace Grace 

Embrace Grace exists to inspire and equip the Church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Through global support groups, women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support.

My Ashes to Beauty

My Ashes to Beauty is a women’s support ministry helping those who are facing an unplanned pregnancy, post-abortion trauma, or sexual/physical abuse. They walk alongside women with compassion, providing resources and information while sharing the love of Jesus.

Single & Parenting 

Single parents are often tired, overwhelmed, and feeling underappreciated. This 13-week experience provides rest, hope, and encouragement for single parents. Join us each week as we watch a teaching video and then gather in small groups for discussion. It is also available as a self-paced online course. 


Science vs. The Bible: When Does Life Begin?

Special Needs Adoption Journey

Pro-Life & Pro-Choice: What Does it Mean?

*More Organizations caring for moms. 

These resources provided are recommendations for informational purposes and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or endorsements of Christ Fellowship Church.

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