Family Movie Night | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Family Movie Night

A guide for a family fun night centered around kindness.

Ready to see people as the wonder God created them to be? Gather your family for a movie night featuring Wonder, and then use these Wonder-themed snacks, activities, and discussion questions to create a wonder-full evening that your family will love!

Now Snacking: 

“S’mookies” - Summer S’mores Cookies


  • Marshmallows
  • Hershey’s Chocolate
  • Graham Crackers
  • Refrigerated “break and bake” style cookie dough


  • Take a half of a graham cracker for the bottom layer
  • Add a 2-3 piece chunk of Hershey’s chocolate for the second layer
  • Add a marshmallow
  • Top with a refrigerated cookie dough cookie
  • Bake on 350 for 13 minutes

See the “S’mookies” TikTok trend here

Now Playing: 

35 Small Ways to Spread Kindness This Summer

Use the intermission to pick three acts of kindness from this list that each family member will do this summer. Share your picks with the rest of the family!

Now Watching: 

Rent or purchase Wonder on any of these platforms, and settle down to enjoy the show!

  • Amazon
  • Google Play
  • YouTube
  • Vudu

Now Talking: 

Discussion Questions

Ask these questions to create a conversation with your family!

1. On the chalkboard, Mr. Brown wrote this precept: “When given the choice between being right and being kind. Choose kind.” What is an example of a time when you must make this choice?

2. Auggie often wanted to wear a mask to hide his face. Colossians 3:12 gives us something better to wear: “Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” What does it look like to wear kindness around wherever we go? 

3. When Jack Will realizes how much he hurt Auggie, he pursues reconciliation. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you.” Share a time when you forgave someone who hurt you. 

4. The kind Principal, Mr. Tushman said to Julian’s parents: “Auggie can’t change the way he looks. Maybe we can change the way we see.” What are some ways we can see others the way God sees them? 

5. Miranda let Liv take the stage toward the end of the movie. What are some ways we can go out of our way to give others our spot?

For more Summer Road Trip Series resources, click>here.