Everybody Worships Something
Who—or what—do you worship?
Todd Mullins
Everybody worships something. We’re all wired to worship, whether that takes the form of our career, spouse, money, or celebrities. Just go to a concert, and you’ll see people swaying to the music and swooning over Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift. Or turn on the sports channel, and you’ll see crowds filling stadiums, wearing team jerseys, painting their body, and shouting. Here’s the truth—Taylor Swift or your favorite sports team won’t help you in times of trouble. But there is One who knows your name. Jesus hears every prayer, He’s with you no matter what you go through, and there’s power when we worship Him.
In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were thrown in prison and severely beaten. Now, I’ve had bad days before—I’ve been late for a meeting, had a flat tire, or spilled coffee on my pants. But I’ve never been stripped, beaten, and thrown into prison! Acts 16:25 records Paul and Silas’ response:
Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God…
Most of us pray when we’re in a mess. Even if you don’t pray a lot or don’t know how to pray, you pray in those moments. And God is attentive to the cries of your heart. It’s one thing to pray during the pain—it’s another to praise during the pain. We know how to pray at midnight—but we also need to know how to praise at midnight.
It’s easy to praise when everybody is healthy and the bills are paid, but it takes faith to praise God when the situation looks hopeless or when you’ve been misunderstood or mistreated. It takes faith to sing praises to God for His power and provision when you haven’t yet seen His power and provision come through in your life! Acts 16:26-27 shares what happened as a result of Paul and Silas’ praise:
Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately were open, and the chains fell off of every prisoner! The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. But Paul shouted at him, ‘Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We’re all here!’ The jailer called for the lights to be turned on and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. … He brought them out and asked the question. "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
This passage teaches us three important components of worship:
1. The Purpose of Worship
When you worship, you’re declaring His Word over your life and your situation. Singing, prayer, tithing, and studying the Word are all part of worship. Worship reminds us of who Jesus is—He’s the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. His Name is greater and more powerful than any other problem or situation. We find hope, strength, joy, and peace in Jesus because He’s our provider and source. Everything that we could possibly need is found in Him. Worship reminds us of who He is and what He can do! Worship forces your eyes off your situation and onto your Savior because you can’t worship and worry at the same time.
2. The Power of Worship
It was after Paul and Silas started praising God that things began to change. Praise shouldn’t just be a byproduct of victory—praise is the predecessor to victory! Praise opens the door to your prison because when you praise, you invite the presence of God into your situation. Psalms 22:3 tells us, “God inhabits the praises of his people.”
When your praise goes up, God shows up. And when God shows up, something is going to change because there’s power in praise! For Silas and Paul, the prison started to shake because God stepped into that space. Those chains might have been able to hold Paul and Silas, but they couldn’t hold God.
3. The Place of Worship
Paul and Silas worshiped in that place because worship had its place in their everyday life. It was something they did—a lot. When trouble and mistreatment came, their response was to worship and turn to God.
Personal worship (alone with God) and communal worship (together with the family of God) play off each other. Personal worship times are important because your relationship with God is personal: you should want to be with Him, talk with Him, and listen to Him. God deserves your love and attention beyond Sundays. But communal worship teaches us to worship together: sing, pray for each other, share communion, and study the Word together. Jesus promises that wherever two or more people are gathered in His Name, there He is with us!
Everybody worships something—how will the purpose, power, and place of worship be evident in your life this week?
*This article was adapted from The Power of Worship message.