Dads Who Make Space for the Big Questions | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

Dads Who Make Space for the Big Questions

Stories of fathers who make room around the table.

Q: How did your dad make space for the big topics and questions in life? 

A: “I remember several ‘big’ conversations I have had with my dad. From a young age, I had hard conversations about work ethic. To this day, that conversation has impacted me, and I’m grateful my dad took the time to share his perspective with me and encourage me because it shaped my life.

I remember having conversations in high school about leadership and what it means to be a leader and not follow the crowd. Any time I needed a push upward, my dad was there to encourage me. 

As a high schooler navigating dating and purity in my relationships, my dad kept me accountable and was vulnerable enough to explain why it was important to him and how he led himself through his season of dating my mom and prioritizing his relationship with God. 

As a young adult trying to translate my calling and assignment, my dad was always ready to share wisdom and encouragement that helped me make the decisions I needed to about where to go to college and how to follow God’s promptings in my life.

As I prepared to ask my wife to marry me a few years later, my dad again was there with wisdom and affirmation that helped me make the decision to start the process of getting married and starting my life as an adult with my wife. 

Even to this day, I can call my dad and ask any question. Recently, I spent over an hour on the phone with him hashing out something that was burdening me, and he spoke with wisdom, clarity, and calmness that helped me see the situation from a more helpful place. 

I am so grateful for the times my dad has always set aside to have big conversations and encourage me.”

  —Chris, Christ Fellowship Trinity

A: “My dad has always sought to make sure I am walking in the will of God, and that has opened so many doors for big conversations. He never forces his preference but puts his bias to the side in order to seek the will of God in my life versus his preference in my life! 

He is my biggest cheerleader and is in my corner even when I don’t make the best of decisions. He always keeps the door open for conversations!”

  —Caylie, Christ Fellowship Palm Beach Gardens

A: “I remember when I was in college and made the decision to drastically change my major to a completely different career field. I nervously picked up the phone to call my dad, expecting to be met with disapproval, disappointment, and skepticism, but instead, I was surprisingly met with love, support, and encouragement. 

Whenever I thought I'd be on the other end of a jaw-drop, disapproving head shake, or a finger-wagging moment, my dad filled the gap with a warm smile and a patient listening ear. He didn't call me ridiculous when I changed my mind for the 15th time or knock me down when I reported my latest poor decisions—instead he made a safe space for productive processing. 

To this day, I know I have a supporter in my dad whenever I'm faced with a tough decision or hard conversation because of the way he made all those moments growing up.” 

  —Kasey, Christ Fellowship Palm Beach Gardens

A: "My dad, ever since I was little, has made sure I know that he is there for me. There to listen if I ever needed to have an ‘On the Table’ conversation with him. 

I can remember vividly, during some hard moments in my life, my dad sitting down next to me and just asking, ‘Are you okay? How can I help?’ If I didn't want to talk about it, he would just be there for me. If I decided to talk through it, he was a listening ear. 

I know that my dad's door is always open, even now, if I ever need to talk with him about ANYTHING. God blessed me greatly when he gave me my dad."

—Hannah, Christ Fellowship Boca Raton

A: “Growing up, I don’t remember too many big or challenging talks, but I do remember being afraid to have them because chances were that I didn’t want to hear it. As I got older, I learned that my dad is a lot smarter than I am and began to listen to him. 

My dad is always checking in on me and he can tell if something is off. Nowadays, it is pretty easy to have tough conversations with him. In fact, we both are rather fond of them now. Even if we disagree, we talk through it together. He always points back to what Scripture says about these topics and ends any big conversation by praying, sharing a verse, and making sure that Jesus is in the center of the conversation.”

  —Nick, Christ Fellowship Trinity

A: “My dad has always been a steady and strong voice in my life. He has never strayed away from difficult topics, but he always made it clear that the conversations need to happen because he loves me. 

Through many years of highs and lows, my dad has consistently stood strong in what he believes, and it has allowed me to lean on him on times when I might not know all the answers.”

  —Addie, Christ Fellowship Palm Beach Gardens

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