3 Ways to Form Your Life Around Jesus | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

3 Simple Ways to Form Your Life Around Jesus

How to move beyond “checking the box” in your faith.

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Greg Reade

August 1, 2024

Have you ever filled out one of those applications for school or a doctor's office, and a drop-down menu appears to ask you to choose your religious affiliation? That's a pretty loaded question, but there are usually only a few pre-filled answers, one being "Christian." Recently, I thought to myself: That's a broad term for what I believe. I wonder if that term captures the fullness of our faith.

If we believe the Gospel of Jesus, many of us will identify as "Christian." However, it might come as a shock to you that the word Christian is only used three times in the whole Bible. For most of us, that's a surprise. A title that means a lot to us is used so few times in Scripture. It's never spoken by Jesus; it's only used later in the New Testament. 

While we might not find the word "Christian" too often in the Bible, we do see the word "disciple" used over 260 times. The word "disciple" in Hebrew is "palmitin," which means a follower or student. The English word that best captures the true meaning is "apprentice." An apprentice works alongside a skilled worker to learn from them and one day become as proficient as them. In biblical times it was common for rabbis (teachers of the Jewish faith) to have disciples, or better-translated, apprentices. 

The ultimate goal of a disciple was to become like his Rabbi. He would spend countless hours over many years with the Rabbi, watching and learning from him. His goal was to learn the law by internalizing it so that it becomes part of him. We're all disciples of something—there is something or someone who is continually shaping our actions, behaviors, and thoughts.

The famous author Dallas Willard states, "The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heartbreaking needs, is whether those who, by profession or culture, are identified as 'Christians' will become disciples—students, apprentices, practitioners—of Jesus Christ, steadily learning from Him how to live the life of the Kingdom of the Heavens into every corner of human existence."

So what is Jesus' expectation of us as disciples? He states it in this way while talking with his disciples, "Then Jesus said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.’" Luke 9:23

Jesus doesn't tell us whoever wants to be my disciple needs to believe this and that—what He tells His disciples is, "Follow me." Eventually, you'll come to believe the right things about me. Throughout Jesus' time on earth, we don't see His disciples immediately believing in Him. We see Jesus inviting people to follow Him, and as they do, they discover who He is and, in return, discover their true identity as a disciple. 

I believe too many of us think that becoming a Christian is a one-time occurrence; we accept the saving grace of Jesus and expect that life will look different or that we're different. The true test of our faith is to make daily decisions that make us more like Jesus. 

One Hebrew blessing given to apprentices of the rabbis illustrates how to follow Jesus. It says, "May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi." It simply meant you may be so close to your teacher that you learn not just what he believes but how he lives and operates in his daily life.

As followers of Jesus, we need to architect our lives so that Jesus sits at the center of it all. It's not just simply believing in Him that changes us. It is living out those beliefs that make us look more like Jesus. Here are three simple ways we can look more like Jesus: 

Be with Jesus

Spend time with Jesus. We can't have a relationship with someone we don't spend time with. Set us aside time each day for prayer and conversation with Jesus. It doesn't need to be ornate or complicated, just a simple conversation with your Heavenly Father. 

In a life so filled with noise and distraction, find a time of day to turn it all off and just be still to meet with Jesus. Many times, when I come home from work, I try to talk to my wife. I quickly realize that the kids are screaming, dinner is going, and it is not the right time. But when dinner is finished and the kids are in bed, we have a moment to catch up. Find that same place with Jesus each day.

Become Like Jesus

Allow Jesus' teachings to change you. What matters most to Jesus is not that I'm a believer; it's that I'm a follower of Him. The more time you spend with Jesus, your daily decisions and actions should align with his teachings. As we journey with Jesus, the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal what areas of our lives need to look more like Jesus.

Do What Jesus Did

Remember the bracelets WWJD? They stood for “What Would Jesus Do?” I always found it hard to relate to because sometimes I see Jesus only in the context of Scripture. I always felt like the better question was, “What Would Jesus Do If He Were You?” It helped me consider what Jesus would do if He were with me right now in the midst of this decision. How would He respond if He was in the middle of this conversation? Would Jesus have this thought? If we ask ourselves that question, our actions will be one with Jesus. 

Pastor Todd often says, "Our faith in Jesus better make a difference in our world." As a disciple of Jesus, the world around us, our families, our neighborhood, and our coworkers should look different because of what Jesus is doing inside us. Jesus' ministry is marked by love and grace. He continually did that thing no one else is expecting. He constantly went against the cultural norm of His day. We, too, must live a life marked by this same grace and love toward people. 

So, what would Jesus do if He were you (WWJDIHWY)?

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