20 Ways To Be a Good Friend | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

20 Ways To Be a Good Friend

Here’s how to be the kind of friend you want to have.

  1. Listen Intently: Listen to what your friend says without interrupting. Stay curious about them and ask questions. 
  2. Be Reliable: Keep your word and don’t be flaky. Show up when you say you will. 
  3. Pray for Them: Regularly lift them up in prayer, and ask them if there is anything specific you can be praying for them about. 
  4. Show Empathy: Be compassionate when your friend is going through a hard time. Don’t dismiss their feelings or make it about you. Listen, be present, and show empathy. 
  5. Encourage Their Faith: Text them an encouraging Bible verse, invite them to sit with you at church or at a small group, and share prayer requests and praise reports.
  6. Respect Boundaries: Respect your friend's limits and don’t get easily offended if they are busy or seasons change. Encourage other friendships and relationships. 
  7. Serve: Follow Christ’s example by serving your friend, and also find ways you can serve together. 
  8. Celebrate Blessings: Be genuinely happy for your friend's blessings, and cheer them on when they reach their goals. 
  9. Extend Grace: Everyone makes mistakes, be willing to forgive through tough times. Embrace your differences in perspectives and opinions without letting it bring division.
  10. Show Support: Stand by your friend, especially when they are in a crisis. Bring them a meal, offer to lend a hand, or help lighten their load. 
  11. Express Gratitude: Let your friend know you appreciate them and their role in your life.
  12. Speak the Truth in Love: A good friend doesn’t enable bad choices. Be willing to speak the truth in love and tell them the truth when they aren’t living up to God’s best for their life.
  13. Be Trustworthy: Don’t share personal information that your friend has confided in you (unless they are at risk of harming themselves or someone else). And don’t speak poorly about your friend(s) behind their backs. 
  14. Be Fully Present: Don’t stare at your phone while spending time with your friend. Be present and show them that you value your time together. 
  15. Be an Inviter: Invite your friend out for coffee, lunch, the movies, church, and social gatherings. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t invite back (some people aren’t planners), just keep being an inviter. 
  16. Be Thoughtful: Remember important dates like birthdays and anniversaries. Send a thoughtful text, card, or gift to let them know you care. 
  17. Stay Connected: Keep in touch as much as you can, even when life gets busy. 
  18. Hold Them Accountable: Help your friend stick to their commitments by reminding them of God’s best for their life. 
  19. Believe the Best: Believe the best about your friend’s heart and intentions. Don’t be easily offended. 
  20. Have Fun Together: Don’t take yourself too seriously, and don’t let your common ground become complaining about something or someone. Find ways to laugh together, have fun, try something silly, and unite over something life-giving.

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