2023 Edition | Christ Fellowship Church
Christ Fellowship

2023 Edition

A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start. Social media, the news, best-selling books, and even podcasts are sharing the habits and products you need to have your best year ever. And while these can all point us in the right direction—the guidance we really need is God’s.

Through 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, we turn down the noise of the world so we can get clarity and direction on what God has for us in 2023.

As a part of the fast, you can follow along with a daily devotional in YouVersion that you can start or end your day with. Be sure to set Christ Fellowship as your church to be notified when the plan is available to start. You can also sign up to receive resources and encouragement throughout the three weeks, like guides, recipes, and even playlists!

Events Throughout the Fast